
Friends of the School (FOTs)
The Riverlands “Friends of the School” or ‘FOTs’ Fundraising Committee has been formed to organise fundraising and social events for the needs of the pupils and parents of this school. Parents/Caregivers are encouraged and are welcome to join the Friends of the School group and help in whatever way they can.
Fundraising Activities
The following school activities are used for school fundraising - Easter Gala, School Calendars, School BBQ, Disco and Catering/Staffing events
School Donation
Our school Board of Trustees has opted to join the Ministry of Educations ‘School Donation Scheme’ that is open to all decile 1-7 state funded schools. By being part of this scheme the school receives additional funding alongside normal operational funding that is needed to run the school and employ support staff (teachers salaries are not included). To access the extra funding, schools agree not to ask for parents and caregivers to pay donations. Boards that do opt-in are still able to ask parents and guardians for payments related to optional activities outside the curriculum, for example optional after-school sports.
The school can ask for payments for:
school stationery that the children will use
costs associated to being part of an after-school sports team
attendance to an event or show that is voluntary and not part of the curriculum
cost of materials when parents and school have agreed that the item can be taken home – for example an item made at technology
The school can ask for donations for:
overnight camps
Our school offers numerous sporting and cultural activities outside of the school curriculum. Children can participate in teams and groups only after they have paid all associated costs before the season or event begins. Parents can arrange to make regular partial payments into their school account by contacting the office.
You never have to make a donation to our school but you can give any size donation any time if you want to.
The Ministry has developed a guide to help parents understand how the scheme works. A link to the guide can be found here.