Enrolments & Transition to School
Buiding a Love of learning
We value your child's strengths and the skills that they bring with them.
We plan learning experiences based on where children's current skills are, to support them to reach their potential.
At Riverlands School, your child will regularly engage in reading, writing, maths, phonics, te reo māori, social sciences, health and PE, technology and the arts.
New Entrant classes also participate in KiwiCan and visit the library each week.
Connecting With Us
We value a home/school partnership and would love to connect with you. You can keep in touch with us in the following ways
SeeSaw - you will be provided with an individualised link to connect to your child's learning portfolio
Skool Loop
New Enrolments
Children will normally start school on their fifth birthday. Parents please contact the school at least 1 Year before your child turns 5.
A stationery package is available from the school office which has extra items inserted especially for New Entrants.
- If you know of any In-Zone 4 year olds who may be attending the school during the year, could you please advise the school administration ASAP.
- If you know of any Out of zone new entrants who may wish to attend Riverlands School in the near future, please ask their parents to contact the school administration ASAP as there maybe a number of balloted places available during the year.
- If you have recently moved to Blenheim and are within our school zone please contact the office for a meet and greet to discuss starting at Riverlands School.
- Please contact the school office for an enrolment form link
- We look forward to meeting you.
New Entrant
We are so happy you have decided to embark on your child’s primary school journey with us!
We really look forward to getting to know you and your child and providing the foundation learning blocks towards their next 8 years of schooling at Riverlands.
Mā te whiritahi, ka whakatutuki ai ngā pūmanawa ā tāngata
Together weaving the realisation of potential
New Entrant School Day
The school day:
Good routines are important.
You can drop your child to school between 8.30-8.55. If children arrive prior to 8.30, they wait in your car until the bell rings. We suggest 8.40 as a great time to come as it allows enough time to unpack bags, say goodbye and get settled into play with peers before the school bell rings at 8.55am
Pick up - Children will be ready to be picked up from about 2.50/2.55pm - it is really helpful if you can get your child and go to free up a car park for someone else.
Children wait on the front steps, outside the office. If children are still here at 3.10pm we will ring you to see if there is a problem.
Transistions to School Visits
A letter will be sent to you which will include the dates for 3 visits in the 3 weeks before your start date.
Your child's teacher will also visit your child at their ECE provider the week before their first school visit. This is to begin building a relationship with learners and their whanau, in an environment that they feel comfortable and confident in.
Visit 1. 8:45 - 10.30am
Visit 2. 8.45 - 12.30
Visit 3. 8:45 - 2pm
We pride ourselves on tailoring the transition to meet the needs of your child, so we can arrange extra visit times if needed.
At Riverlands School, we have a uniform. We ask that children wear black shoes and white or blue socks.
We highly recommend velcro shoes until your child can do their own laces.
We have a school sunhat which is compulsory in Term 1 and 4.
We welcome jackets and gumboots for rainy days!
It is important to develop independence for children coming to school - eg getting dressed, looking after their own things, putting on shoes/socks.
Please name everything.
Did you know that we have a second hand uniform shop?
Please see the ladies in the office before or after school if you would like to have a look.